Call for Paper

Name of Journal: International Research Journal of Pure Algebra
EISSN: 2248-9037
Published By: Scientific Research
Starting Year: 2011
Frequency: Monthly


The journal has been indexed in: SJIF Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2013: 4.108. 2014: 5.283, 2015: 6.785, 2016: 7.533, 2017: Under evaluation….

International Research Journal of Pure Algebra (IRJPA) ISSN: 2248 – 9037

(An International Peer review Journal for Science & Mathematical Professionals)

Source & Support All Universities and Funding Agencies

IRJPA INVITATION CALL FOR PAPER: Vol.-11, Current issue-2021

Get your paper published in International Journal IRJPA

 Dear Colleague, 

Int. Res. Journal of Pure Algebra (IRJPA) has been published its latest issue at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.

Journal is Online Open Access Peer Review Monthly journal. Journal provide very fast Reviewing & publication Process of Research/Review articles of high current interest dealing with the use International Research of Mathematical Science, Academic Science, Computational and Engineering science in all other areas of knowledge Discovery and innovation & usually in this Field.

IRJPA Call for Research Articles/Review Articles and Short Communications for publication in the current issue  Vol.-11, Current issue. Authors prepare their manuscript according to Author Guidelines & submitted in MS-Word file online from or Direct submitted to E- mail:


Journal circulated all over the world & Google has verified that scholars of more than Eighty countries are visiting on regular basis, for your kind reference and record. Copernicus, DOAJ, Science, Google Scholar, Electronic Journal Library, New Jour, Electronic Journals WZB, Vifamath, EZB: HFMT etc.....

For further details, Please feel free to contact E-mail:

International Research Journal of Pure Algebra Call for Academic Science & Mathematical Research/Review Paper at: 

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International Research Journal of Pure Algebra (IRJPA)


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